WP7 Publications


The objectives of this WP are

Methodology and scientific achievements related to Task including contribution from partners

During the first year of the METRIC project several papers on the topics of METRIC have already been published by the partners or are in the review/print process. Various presentations have been made in conferences, workshops or seminars. The basis for a web site was made.

Furthermore, the participants have been Contributing Authors and Reviewers to Chapter 4 (Atmospheric Chemistry and Greenhouse Gases) and Chapter 6 (Radiative Forcing of Climate Change) of the IPCC Third Assessment Report.

Publications in peer reviewed journals

  1. Fuglestvedt, J.S., T.K. Berntsen, O. Godal, R. Sausen, K.P. Shine and T. Skodvin, 2002: Assessing metrics of climate change: Current methods and future possibilities. Climatic Change, submitted. http://www.cicero.uio.no/publications/detail.asp?publication_id=1688&lang=en
  2. Godal, O. and J. Fuglestvedt, 2002: Testing 100-year global warming potentials: Impacts on compliance costs and abatement profile. Climatic Change, in press. http://kluweronline.com/oasis.htm/352171
  3. Godal, O., 2002: IPCC's Third Assessment Report and global warming potentials: Avoiding the road less travelled, Climatic Change, submitted.
  4. Jourdain, L. and D. A. Hauglustaine, 2001: The global distribution of lightning NOx simulated on-line in a general circulation model, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, in press.
  5. Stuber, N., R. Sausen and M. Ponater, 2001a: Stratosphere adjusted radiative forcing calculations in a comprehensive climate model. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 68, 125-135. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00704/tocs/t1068003.htm
  6. Stuber, N., M. Ponater and R. Sausen, 2001b: Is the climate sensitivity to ozone perturbations enhanced by stratospheric water vapor feedback? Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 2887-2890
  7. Sygna, J.S. Fuglestvedt and Aaheim, 2002: The adequacy of GWPs as indicators of damage costs incurred by global warming. Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change, submitted. http://www.cicero.uio.no/publications/detail.asp?publication_id=904&lang=en   (abstract)
Further publications
  1. Fuglestvedt, J.S., 2000: Looking for a better way to measure the effects of GHGs: CICERO in a new EU project to refine GWPs and radiative forcing Cicerone 1/2000. http://www.cicero.uio.no/cicerone/00/1/en/jansf2.pdf
Oral presentations
  1. Joshi, M., E. Highwood and K.P. Shine K: Radiative forcing, climate sensitivity and the tropopause. AGU 2000 Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, USA, 7-13 December 2000.
  2. Ponater, M.: Klimawirkung von Spurengasen - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des "radiative forcing"-Konzeptes, Colloquium of the Meteorological Institute of the Munich University (LMU). 23.1.2001.
  3. Ponater, M.: Radiative Forcing - ein verlässlicher Parameter zur Klimavorhersage ?, German-Austrian-Swiss meteorological congress (DACH-Meteorologentagung). Wien, Austria, 18.-21.9.2001.
  4. Ponater, M., M. Dameris, N. Stuber, C. Schnadt, R. Hein, and B. Steil: On the contribution of ozone and stratospheric water vapour to the global warming, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France. 25.-30. March 2001.
  5. Sausen, R., N. Stuber and M. Ponater: Climate response to inhomogeneously distributed forcings. Seminar at the Department of Earth System Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA, 2.5.2001.
  6. Sausen, R., N. Stuber and M. Ponater: Climate response to inhomogeneously distributed forcings. Seminar at the SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CD, USA, 5.6.2001.
  7. Sausen, R.: Die Antwort der Atmosphäre auf räumlich inhomogen verteilte Störungen. Kolloquium des Instituts für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphäre, Teilinstitut Stratosphäre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 9.6.2001.
  8. Sausen, R., N. Stuber and M. Ponater: Climate response to inhomogeneously distributed forcings. Seminar at the Program for Climate Model Diagnostics and Intercomparison (PCMDI), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, USA, 24.6.2001.
  9. Shine, K.P.: Radiative Forcing of Climate Change: The certainties and uncertainties. Seminar at Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, 5 June 2001
  10. Skodvin, T.: Making climate change negotiable: The development of the global warming potential index. Worlds in Transition: Technoscience, Citizenship and Culture in the 21st Century. Conference co-sponsored by the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) and The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). Wien, Austria, 27.-30.9.2000.
  11. Stuber, N., M. Ponater, and R. Sausen: Enhanced climate sensitivity due to stratospherice water vapour feedback ?, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France. 25.-30.3.2001.
  12. Stuber, N., M. Ponater, and R. Sausen: Enhanced climate sensitivity due to stratospherice water vapour feedback ?, IAMAS congress, Innsbruck, Austria, 10.-18.8.2001.
Poster presentations


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