14CO and its application in studies of atmospheric chemistry and
transport: A brief history
Patrick Jöckel
Carl A. M. Brenninkmeijer
The primary origin of atmospheric
14CO is production by cosmic radiation.
High energy cosmic rays (mainly protons) induce large nucleonic
particle cascades in the atmosphere and produce atmospheric neutrons.
Most of them diffuse and thermalize before they are captured by nitrogen
nuclei forming 14C
The recoil 14C atom rapidly
oxidizes to 14CO,
with a yield that has been determined to be approximately 95%
[ Pandow et al., 1960;
MacKay et al., 1963].
In this way, a natural tracer is produced throughout the atmosphere,
almost equally partitioned between the stratosphere and the troposphere,
however with its maximum in polar regions caused by the influence of the
geomagnetic field on the primary cosmic ray particles. The average source
strength is 1.6 - 2 molecules per second and per square-centimeter of the
Earth's surface, corresponding to a total production of approximately
13-16 kg 14CO per year.
Since the cosmic ray flux reaching the atmosphere is modulated by the solar
wind intensity, the cosmogenic
14CO production rate oscillates with a phase
of 11 years (solar cycle) with higher production rates during times of low
solar activity.
The secondary (``biogenic'') contribution, comprising
20-25% of the total source, consists of recycled 14CO
from the biosphere, entering or evolving in the atmosphere by oxidation
of natural methane and higher hydrocarbons, and by biomass burning.
The use of fossil fuel does not contribute to atmospheric 14CO
as geological production times vastly exceed the
14C half life of about 5730 years.
The significance of 14CO is that it constitutes a natural
tracer that can be used to assess the hydroxyl radical (OH)
abundance, because 14 CO + OH is its main sink reaction, with an
average tropospheric lifetime of 14CO of about 2-3 months.
Already before the discovery of the important role of OH in the
[Levy, 1971],
Weinstock [1969]
estimated the residence time of CO, using
14CO measurements, or more precisely the specific activity of CO
measured by
MacKay et al. [1963].
The implicit assumptions of the approach of
Weinstock [1969] and the
implications for CO budget calculations have been discussed by
Junge et al. [1971].
Volz et al. [1981] applied the
14CO concept in a
systematic manner and concluded that the abundance and seasonality of
14CO is in accordance with that of OH used in a two-dimensional
(2-D) atmospheric chemistry model.
14CO measurements had been exclusively performed
using proportional gas counters requiring large amounts of air
(~ 200 m3) to be processed.
Routine measurements of 14CO in smaller air samples
with increased precision became possible with the arising
technique of the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS).
Air sampling techniques suitable for isotopic analysis and
extraction procedures for isolating CO from the air samples are
described for instance by
Brenninkmeijer and Roberts [1994],
Mak and Brenninkmeijer [1994], and
Brenninkmeijer [1993].
Aspects of the AMS measurements are discussed in
Rom et al. [2000b].
Brenninkmeijer et al. [1992]
observed lower 14CO levels in the southern hemisphere,
which were attributed to higher southern hemisphere (SH) OH levels,
in contradiction to ideas about higher northern hemisphere (NH) OH
values due to the importance of NO in recycling OH
[Crutzen and Zimmermann, 1991].
Mak et al. [1992];
Mak et al. [1994]
measured 14CO in air sampled in the
free troposphere, applied two different 2-D models
and concluded that apart from the NH-SH asymmetry, generally
atmospheric levels seemed lower than inferred by the models employed.
Quay et al. [2000]
investigated various 14CO measurements with a 2-D
model and concluded that either a higher horizontal mixing or a higher
OH concentration in the SH is responsible for the observed inter-hemispheric
asymmetry of 14CO.
In the meantime, more and more 14CO measurements at surface level
and in the free troposphere have become available
[Mak and Southon, 1998;
Tyler et al., 1999;
Röckmann and Brenninkmeijer, 1997;
Röckmann et al., 1999;
Kato et al., 2000;
Rom et al., 2000a;
Quay et al., 2000].
The first 14CO analysis of lower stratospheric air samples
is reported by
Brenninkmeijer et al. [1995].
Three independent estimates of the primary cosmogenic
14CO source distribution
[Lingenfelter, 1963;
O'Brien et al., 1991;
Masarik and Beer, 1999]
which differ mostly according to the vertical
gradient of the production rate. However,
Jöckel et al. [1999]
(and Jöckel [2000])
showed that this uncertainty is not a principle problem for the
14CO methodology.
Also the effect of the solar variation is well understood and can be
taken into account when
14CO observations of different epochs are to be compared
[Jöckel et al., 2000].
This sets the fundament for compiling a 14CO
climatology, i.e., a zonally averaged seasonal cycle at the surface
comprising 1088 14CO observations from 4 institutes
[Jöckel and Brenninkmeijer, 2002].
Jöckel et al. [2002]
(Jöckel [2000])
used this climatology for the evaluation of
two 3-dimensional atmospheric models and revisited
the observed inter-hemispheric asymmetry of atmospheric
14CO. Evidence for
a higher OH abundance in the SH is not longer supported, since the
asymmetry can consistently be explained by inter-hemispheric differences of
the exchange rate between the stratosphere and the troposphere.
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19 Jan 2010.