Welcome to the nc2mc home-page !

Patrick Jöckel, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre

What is nc2mc?
nc2mc is a tcsh-script which creates from a set of netCDF-files a multi-netCDF descriptor file (meta-file) for Ferret. With this meta-file it is possible to address a time series, which is split into several netCDF-files, as one dataset. More information about multi-netCDF descriptor files can be found in the documentation of Ferret.

nc2mc is freely available without any warranty under the GNU public license (GPL).

The most recent version is nc2mc 2.8b.

Usage: nc2mc [-h] [-t0 <t0>] [-it] [-p] [-c] [-d <digits>]
       [-s <factor>] [-a] [-nc]
       [-dir <directory>] [-n <namefrag>] [-x <exclude>]

  -h  : show this help and exit
  -t0 : set explicitely the origin of the time axis:
        <t0> has the format "DD-Mon-YYYY hh:mm:ss".
        If -t0 is omitted, <t0> is determined
        from the first netCDF file.
  -it : increment time between netCDF files
  -p  : prepend path to netCDF-filename(s)
  -c  : correct for rounding error:
        This option should be tried, if
           ** unknown netCDF error code: -31
        is received when using the mc file.
  -d  : maximum number of <digits> for delta-t output
        (default: 10):
        This option should be tried, if
           ** unknown netCDF error code: -31
        is received when using the mc file.
  -s  : scaling <factor> for time intervals to get
        integer values (do NOT use with -d and/or -c)
  -dir: look in <directory> for netCDF-files
        Note: implies -p
  -n  : use netCDF files with <namefrag> in name
        Note: netCDF files must have the suffix ".nc"
  -x  : exclude netCDF files with <exclude> in name
        Note: multiple usage of -x is possible
  -a  : append to existing mc file
  -nc : switch off calendar mode

   + The resulting descriptor file is named
     <namefrag>.mc, if -n is specified, or
      all.mc, if -n is not specified.
   + The descriptor files between Linux and non-Linux systems
     are not compatible to each other: Descriptor files
     for Ferret on Linux must be created with nc2mc on Linux,
     and can only be used by Ferret on Linux systems.
     Descriptor files created with nc2mc on non-Linux systems,
     however, are compatible to each other.
   + Within Ferret, the dataset is opened with:
        set data <descriptor-file>

The reason for the incompatibility of the descriptor files between Linux and non-Linux systems is explained in the Ferret-FAQ. Special notes for ECHAM4/5 users:
  • ECHAM5/MESSy netCDF output should be processed with nc2mc -n tracer_gp (output descriptor file: tracer_gp.mc)
    nc2mc -n messy (output descriptor file: messy.mc)
  • ECHAM4 GRIB output, which has been converted to netCDF by grib2nc (v2.0b) should be processed with the -t0 and -it options.

This page was last modified on 02 Dec 2011.

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