EU FP6 Specific Support Action ATTICA

European Assessment of Transport Impacts on
Climate Change and Ozone Depletion

You are visitor no. 906 since June 2006

ATTICA assessment papers   New Stakeholder Meeting 24 June 2010

ATTICA, a Specific Support Action coordinated by the DLR-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, started in June 2006 with the TAC Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate in Oxford as kick-off event. The ATTICA consortium offers to provide the European community with a coherent series of assessments of the impact of transport emissions on climate change and ozone depletion. Three assessments will cover the emissions of single transport sectors, viz. of aviation, shipping, and land traffic. Another assessment will deal with metrics that describe, quantify, and compare in an objective way the effects of the transport emissions in the atmosphere. Finally, a synthesis of the foregoing assessments will be written that will provide the overview of the impacts of the emissions of all transport sectors on climate change and the ozone layer.

Three assessments (Aviation, Shipping and Metrics) were already published and can be downloaded here. The fourth assessment (Land Transport) has recently been accepted for publication.

Requests and inquiries: ATTICA Project Office

Global Change and Ecosystems EU FP6
Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area:
Global Change and Ecosystems
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