Derivation of irradiances from ISCCP cloud data

DLR-ISIS method

DLR-ISIS irradiances are derived through radiative transfer calculations based on physical optical properties of the atmosphere. Details of the radiative transfer model and the atmospheric properties data sets are given below.

Radiative transfer model

Radiative transfer through the Earth's atmosphere is calculated as 1-dimensional transport through a horizontally layered, plane-parallel atmosphere. The two-stream approximation of the radiative transfer equation by Kylling et al. (1995) is used to derive the spectrally integrated diffuse und direct irradiances at the surface. Absorption of atmospheric gases is included with a 32-band correlated-k method by Kato et al. (1999), that covers the whole solar spectrum from 250 nm to 4300 nm.

Cloud microphysics are included with two parametrizations for the optical properties of cloud particles. For water clouds the parameterization of Hu et al. (1993) is used, which is based on Mie-calculations of liquid water droplets. Ice clouds are included with the parameterization of Yang et al. (2000) and Key et al. (2002). The effective radius of water and ice particles is set to 10 µm and 30 µm, respectively.

The radiative transfer algorithm and parameterizations are included in the radiative transfer library libRadtran (Mayer and Kylling 2005). For the derivation of the DLR-ISIS data set, a program was built around this library to ensure the correct combination of atmospheric parameters, initiate radiative transfer calculations and handle the results. Further details on the procedure developed for DLR-ISIS can be found e.g. in Lohmann (2006b) (in German) or in Lohmann et al. (2006a) (English paper).

Cloud data

Radiative transfer calculations  for the  DLR-ISIS data set are based on ISCCP cloud data. The ISCCP project currently covers the time span from July 1983 to December 2004. Data from several geostationary and polar orbiting satellites are collected and a consistent cloud product derived (Schiffer and Rossow 1983).

The cloud data used for the derivation of the DLR-ISIS data set are taken from the ISCCP FD input data set (Zhang et al. 2004), which is based on ISCCP D1 cloud data (see ISCCP homepage for more information about cloud data sets). It provides 3-hourly cloud observations on a 280 km x 280 km equal area grid. The whole data set consists of 6596 grid boxes on 72 latitude steps of 2.5°. This grid is maintained for the DLR-ISIS data set.

ISCCP differentiates between 15 cloud types. The classification includes three intervals of optical thickness in three cloud levels: low, middle and high clouds. Low and middle cloud types are further divided into water and ice clouds, high clouds are always ice clouds.
For DLR-ISIS, optical thickness, cloud top pressure and cloud phase given in the ISCCP data set are processed to generate clouds for the radiative transfer calculations. One radiative transfer calculation is carried out for each occurring cloud type assuming 100% cloud coverage, plus one calculation for clear sky. For the final result, irradiances are weighted with the cloud amount for each cloud type and for clear sky, respectively, and summed.

ISCCP FD cloud amount

Other atmospheric data

The input of the aerosol optical thickness is split into two parts: tropospheric aerosol and stratospheric aerosol. The optical thickness of the tropospheric aerosol is taken from the NASA-GISS data set. This data set was originally created for usage in the NASA-GISS climate simulations. Optical properties of the most common aerosol types were measured by various groups (Tegen et al. 1997). The distribution of aerosol types was modelled with the help of emission data and transport models for the dissemination of the aerosol particles. The results were combined in one data set of 12 climatological monthly averages for optical thickness on a 4° x 5° grid (Tegen et al. 1997).

tropospheric aerosol optical thickness

Stratospheric aerosol is mostly caused by large volcanic eruptions. The data set used for the derivation of the DLR-ISIS irradiance data is the Sato index (Sato et al. 1993). This data set was also created for NASA-GISS climate simulations and covers the time from 1850 to 1997. It consists of monthly averages of optical thickness of the stratospheric aerosol in 7.5° latitude bands. For the period coverd by the DLR-ISIS data set, it is based on satellite observations of the Stratospheric Aerosol Monitor (SAM II) and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE I+II). Two major volcanic eruptions affect the results of the DLR-ISIS data set: The eruption of El Chichon (Mexico) in April 1982 and the eruption of Pinatubo (Philippines) in June 1991. After 1997, an exponential decrease was assumed until 2000 and no stratospheric aerosol has been included in the radiative transfer calculations after 2000.

stratospheric aerosol optical thickness

Ozone and water vapor profiles are also provided in the ISCCP FD input data set, based on the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS). Together with the surface albedo and the mean elevation above sea level for each grid box included in the ISCCP data set, these are used to derive irradiances for the DLR-ISIS data set.

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