Organized by:
Presentation Guidlines for talks and posters
Oral Presentations
- Registration
Every speaker must be registered for the conference
- Oral Presentations
Please check the programme for your presentation. You can use the
alphabetical author list to find your presentation on the web site.
Your talk is scheduled for 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions
and change of speaker. Keynote speakers have 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for
questions. Please rehearse your presentation to make sure that you stay
within the allowed time.
- Presentation Format
Only presentations using MS Powerpoint format (.ppt or .pptx) or Adobe
PDF format (.pdf) can be displayed. If you use other programs to generate
your slides please convert them to the appropriate format and test the
appearance on a Windows computer.
- Meeting Room Equipment
Each of the two meeting rooms will be equipped with one video projector, a screen and one Windows computer for the presentation.
To avoid compatibility problems and a loss of time, only this computer can be used. Please do not try to use your own domputer/tablet for the presentation.
The computers will have the following software: Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010, Adobe Acrobat Reader, QuickTime.
Please bring your presentation on a USB key or drive, CD's or DVD's can not be accepted. If your animations can not be embedded in your presentation make sure that you bring them as well.
Presentations should be uploaded the day before your presentation, at
latest during the break before the presentation.
For any questions on the presentation please contact us by e-mail.
- Some Suggestions for your Oral Presentation
Use sans-serif 16 to 20 Point fonts for text or numbers.
Use heavy line thickness for graphics.
Content: Use short clear text. Remember that people can not read and listen at the same time. Show information piece by piece, build to the conclusion and use simple diagrams.
If your talk is in the parallel sessions 2b, 6b, 9b, 12b, please be aware that the bottom part of your slides has limited visibility.
Plan on one slide for each minute of talk.
- Recommendations for Keynote Speakers
Keynote speakers should give a broad overview of past and current research (worldwide, not only their own research). Please emphasize the major research achievements and breakthroughs, and present the main challenges and perspectives for the future.
- Registration
At least one author of a poster must be registered for the conference.
- Poster Size
Poster size is A0 portrait (84 cm wide and 119 cm hight). Please include your poster number and session acronym in the upper left of your poster. You can find the number on the conference programme. You also might include a photo of you, this makes it easier for the participants to locate you during the poster session or coffee breaks.
- Poster Session Format
Posters will be displayed in the Foyer (ground floor and upper floor) of the Conference Center together with the coffee and exhibition booths.
We will have two poster groups, please refere to the conference programme for display times of your poster. You will find tags with your poster number on the boards.
Group 1 will be displayed Monday and Tuesday, poster set-up until Monday morning coffee break, poster teardown after afternoon coffee break on Tuesday. Poster sessions are Monday and Tuesday 13:30 to 15:00.
Group 2 will be displayed Wednesday and Thursday, poster set-up until Wednesday morning coffee break, poster teardown after afternoon coffee break on Thursday. Poster sessions are Wednesday 12:30 to 14:30 (with luncheon) and Thursday 13:30 to 15:00.
- Some Suggestions for Poster Formatting
Keep the poster simple and use large fonts and clear graphics. Make sure your poster has a logical flow. Don't try to overload the poster with text and small images.
- Poster printing in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Poster printing is available at:
Das KopierZentrum GaPa
Kreuzstrasse 4
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen