THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC)

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Campaign diary on 15 September 2008

DOTSTAR is going to fly again tomorrow and the mission is finally looking like one of Chun-Chieh's sample dream cases. The Falcon could sample a sensitive area to the southeast and one to the north of Shinlaku in addition to the northern and eastern strom environment, whereas DOTSTAR could sample the southern part. Thats the kind of oversampling we were hoping for although the western part of the strom remains in Chinese air space. It seems that the observations will be close or slightly before to the recurvature point, the main focus for JMA. There are some discussions how to bring all or most of the observations into the same analysis window. In the end we hope to minimize the issues of having observations just on on side by taking off early, i.e. on 6:00 LT. Sorry to the crew!

Author: Martin W.

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