REGISTRATION for ICAM-2009, 11-15 May 2009 in Rastatt, Germany
ALL participants to ICAM-2009, i.e.
those giving give oral or poster presentations and
those taking part as spectators,
are kindly asked to specify the information below.
The completed template (just copy & paste example from screen into Email)
is to be emailed to the ICAM-2009 secretariat c/o
before 16 April 2009, if at all possible.
Family name: Xxxx
First name: Yyyy
Middle Initial: Z.
Affiliation: Aaaaa
Branch: Bbbb
Street, Number: Ccccc nnn
Town: Ddddd
Zip-code: nnnnn
Country: Eeee
Email: <Firstname.Familyname>@zzzzzzz.cc
Payment method: <Banktransfer> or <cash on-site>
* * * * *
Invitation letter for Visum to Germany needed? <yes> or <no>
If <yes>, the following information is mandatory for the official invitation letter:
Date of birth: day month year (dd mm yyyy)
Place of birth: town, country
Nationality: xxxxxxx
Passport number: Annnnnnnn
Valid until: day month year (dd mm yyyy)
* * * * *
Thanks for your kind cooperation!
On behalf of the Organization and Programme Committee
with kind regards
Hans Volkert
(chair, ICAM-2009 org.comm.)