Extended Abstracts
At ICAM-2009, all presenters were given the possibility to submit a 2-page Extended Abstract of
their presentation (poster or oral). The official deadline of submission was
3 April 2009 ,
with some flexibility for late-comers.
From all submissions the
Volume of Extended Abstracts was compiled. It appeared in print as Volume 44 of
Annalen der Meteorologie, published by Deutscher Wetterdienst. Its purpose is to
aid selections at the conference and to serve as a valuable reference afterwards.
Here the various portions of the volume can be viewed or downloaded (incl. colour figures):
- Title pages, impressum etc. (4 pp., 1.7 MB),
- Foreword, Programme (pp. i-xviii, 0.3 MB),
- Oral Presentations (pp. 1-126, 23.4 MB),
- Poster Presentations (pp. 127-256, 30.5 MB),
- Author Index (pp. 257-259, 0.3 MB),