Transfer completed – HALO arrived in Rio Grande

It’s a long journey from Central Europe to „the end of the world”. Most of the SouthTRAC participants have been travelling for up to two days using trains, commercial aircraft and rental cars. It was a three-day journey for HALO…

…and the flight crew which included an additional short local research flight around Cap Verde. The last part of the transfer from Buenos Aires to Rio Grande was a non-stop but not a direct flight. The route went along close to the Andes and past Rio Grande towards 58°S before the landing under blue sky and picturesque conditions at Rio Grande Airport.

SouthTRAC participants awaiting the arrival of HALO infront of the Hangar. Photo: S. Gisinger
HALO on its way to the hangar at Rio Grande Airport. Photo: S. Gisinger
Welcome to Rio Grande, Argentina. Photo: S. Gisinger